Wood Duck : Reflective Leadership

This is a Wood Duck. He is compelling, drawing our attention to his stunningly contrasting colors and symmetrical presentation. The bird is clear and close, but with his eyes to the oblique, we are unable to latch on fully; there is a distance between us. The magic of the photo, of course, is the reflection. The mirror image has its own independent beauty, but seen together, the bird and its likeness create a wholeness, powerful and fulfilling. Creation and reflection, together, are the inspiring essence of this photo.

This is Week Seven of the Omer. Now we contemplate Malchut, which the Sages teach concerns sovereignty and actualization. Completing this week, we receive Torah from HaShem, our Sovereign. Our bodies were freed on Pesach, and our spirits have been readied for Shavuot. Now we receive The Law. The People Israel is about to become the Nation of Israel, as they transition from Exodus to living under a Divine Constitution of 613 Mitzvot. The potential of the Omer is about to be actualized.

So why a Law? Why is humanity guided differently than the lights in the heavens, the plants on the earth, and the birds in the sky? Humanity - only - was created in HaShem’s likeness, endowed with agency. HaShem is both Law Giver and Model. Law reflects. It reflects our Ruler’s loving guidance and the reality of human agency. True leadership means guardrails not train tracks. HaShem’s mitzvot are the ideal to which we aspire. This Duck’s photo reminds us that potential is actualized when we model behavior rather than dictating it.


Northern Cardinal : Singing to the East


Scissor-tailed Flycatchers : Relationships and Foundation