Wild Turkey : A Mosaic of Jewels

This is a Wild Turkey. Early on a beautiful morning he let me approach closely, closely enough that I could marvel at the color and texture of his feathers. Look closely at his breast. In this light - magical light - he looks like he’s armored with jewels. Row upon row, each feather catches the light in just the slightest of variations. Together they form a mosaic of complements. The colors and shapes all fit together, no two the same, locked together in a united pattern. That splendid armor is a living garment that shifts and adapts as he moves, flexible and strong. Intellectually I acknowledge the roles feathers play for flight, insulation, and such, but here, in this perfect light, all I see are jewels.

God tells Moses that the High Priest is to officiate over the sacred rites. And amongst the distinguishing honors of the High Priest, he is to wear a singular breastplate. The breastplate is a sign of the High Priest’s office, but it is also a reflection of the people he leads. The defining element of this holy garment was its adornment with 12 jewels, each a different stone, each one inscribed with the name of one of the twelve tribes. Note alternative options not taken: the breastplate does not have only the emblem of the Priestly tribe. The breastplate does not have only a lone emblem denoting the High Priest’s office. Instead the High Priest near-literally shoulders the entire community, ministering on their behalf.

Each of us is a jewel. Each of us has our own facets, our own way of reflecting light, our own inscription. A strong and thriving community is composed of a mosaic that unifies the variety of jewels into armor that both beautifies and protects. The High Priest was the only person, who only once each year, could enter into the Holy of Holies. Alone. And yet not alone. Carrying atop his heart the representations of the entire people, the High Priest would serve as a true carrier of their plea for at-one-ment. Twelve tribes become one people when their jewels are set together. Today, seeing the light glinting off this Turkey recalls for me the power of unified jewels and the strength and unity of the people we are together.


Green Jay : The Ordinary’s Exceptional Challenge


Northern Harrier : Doing and Hearing