Eastern Kingbird : Offerings and Sacrifice

This is an Eastern Kingbird. It’s an insect eater. I typically eschew photographing man-made perches, but I observed long enough to realize our fence had become his perfect launching point. He seeks out places that are rich with insect life. He should have been thrilled here, with a seemingly unlimited supply of mosquitoes - all of which were indulging their vampiric attraction to The Avian Rebbe. I must confess that of all the places I have taken photos, this was not my favorite. Please forgive any camera-shake as I one-handedly took photographs while simultaneously swatting at the assaulting horde….

Discussions of Temple times interchangeably use the words “offering” and “sacrifice.” Yet there are subtle, nuanced differences between the two. An “offering” is something that you give joyously; it is an affirming statement. “Sacrifice” implies that you’re also giving something up, that you will somehow have less or be less than you were before. These distinctions are important because they also illustrate the tied concepts. Even as we affirmatively offer, there are inherently sacrifices that attend our gift, alternative opportunities which we forgo.

I envision my Avian Rebbe work as offerings. It is an affirmative statement expressing appreciation for the gifts I have and that I’ve been given. I am enlivened doing this work. And it entails sacrifice. Time not spent on other pursuits or with other people. Sleep on dark, cold mornings. Even the three ounces of blood I “donated” to swarming mosquitoes! All our offerings, no matter how willingly given or imbued with heartfelt thanks, cannot be entirely without sacrifice. So I hope you enjoy this Eastern Kingbird as much as I’ve enjoyed offering it. And if anyone is available for an O-Positive donation, please let me know!


Bullock’s Oriole : The Infinite End


White-eyed Vireo Juvenile : Teach These Words