Carolina Chickadee : If I Were a Rich Man

This is a Carolina Chickadee. They’re insect eaters. This one has found an absolute bonanza. This stem is completely covered with bugs, and the Chickadee is just lapping them up. These are typically pretty flighty birds, constantly on the hunt. With a bounty like this, though, he could lazily enjoy a hearty breakfast. And even while he was relishing his meal, he kept an eye turned towards me. I didn’t take his glance as any type of intended invitation, but nonetheless, that looking up is critical to the photo’s attractiveness. The Chickadee had an opportunity rich with calories, and his wealth created a perfect photographic moment for me as well.

What does it mean to be rich? It’s a complex question. So we turn to the Sage… Rev Tevye! Tevye sings us through a list of what a small fortune would mean: relief from the toils of backbreaking labor, a fancy home, luxuries, status for himself and his wife, influence among his peers, and leadership within his community. But most of all, Tevye asks HaShem for the “sweetest thing of all,” the time to study the holy books. And alongside these lotto ticket dreams, Tevye shares the insightful commentary that makes him a wiseman among the dairymen. But Tevye is fictional, of course. And Tevye lives in a small Ukrainian village under Tsarist rule in the 19th century.

Is there a knowing wink in Tevye’s song? A third staircase just for show. Golde bossing servants. People equating wealth with wisdom. What is Tevye telling us in his prayer? Is there something that we, a world removed, can learn also? For Tevye, riches - say rather “enrichment” - consists of internalized learning and devotion. In others, he gently, I’d say lovingly, accepts human foibles and indulges them as he’s able. A full life, a rich life, consists of both. Focus on your focus, but don’t forget to have an eye open and turned to the needs of others. Has the Chickadee learned Tevye’s lessons? Chuckling, I’d say, “no.” But we, we certainly can.


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