Baltimore Oriole : The Places We Make

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Oriole

This is a Baltimore Oriole.  A year ago, I saw one in my very own backyard.  Unbelievable!  I had no idea that these arresting birds’ migratory route comes here, much less that I could see one without going to a remote park.  It was a truly inspiring encounter, filling me with a sense of awe and appreciation.  A year later - nearly to the day - I saw this bird.  And this year, my awe and appreciation were even heightened.  Not only did I have the joy of experiencing the bird himself, but that feeling was magnified by recognizing that the journey was repeating.  Was it the same bird?  A child that had somehow been “told” of my yard?  A cousin that had independently found his way here?  Something - unknown - has made my yard a destination.

The blessing and the curse of the land of Israel is its location.  This small sliver of land sits at the confluence of Europe, Asia, and Africa.  A critical nexus like that sadly, inevitably, ends up being fought over.  A curse.  But think of the blessings too.  There are few places in the world with such animal richness.  Migrating birds from all three continents pass through Israel, finding food and shelter, as they journey between summer and winter homes.  Spiritually, Israel is home to vital sites for each of the Abrahamic faiths, an inheritance of Jerusalem’s position astride ancient trade routes.  Birds and souls, people and ideas, they all come together in this one tiny spot.  This fertility, for both people and ideas, is unparalleled anywhere in the world.

How do we think about the places we create?  Are we even conscious that we do so?  Can I create a business that attracts exceptional employees and welcomes ideal customers?  Can I create a home that provides fulfillment, security, and enrichment for my family?  Can I create a community - large or small - that supports each other and works towards shared goals?  The defining elements of a place can evolve unintentionally of course, but with explicit guidance, we can shape them as well.  Perhaps the additions I made of shelter, food, and water to my backyard has put my home on the map for Orioles.  Israel’s history is infused with Divine selection.  We are equally able - and responsible - for awareness of what we attract to our selves.


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