Bald Eagle : A Strong Expectation
Bald Eagle
This is a Bald Eagle. He’s a juvenile. Once before, I saw an adult at the same park. And every time I’ve come back, I’ve wondered if maybe today is the day that I’ll have this opportunity again. Eagles are extremely infrequently reported here, and so I don’t have an actual expectation - maybe not even a firm hope - more of just a wispy hint that it would be wonderful if it were to happen. Today it did, and like my previous episode, it was spectacular. I dare say it will be every time. It is truly an awe-inspiring site to see a bird like this, flying down the river with that steely gaze as it hunts for its breakfast. And now, what could have been a once-in-a-lifetime encounter, has become instead a more concrete wish. Rare, yes. Impossible, no. Now I’ll look forward.
Jewish tradition is nothing if not expectant. The initial conversation between God and Abram, the very first Jew, is about the land and blessings that will - one day - be bestowed upon Abram’s descendants. Generations later, Moses leads the Israelites out of Egypt on a 40 year trek that will - one day - bring them to the promised land. Centuries later, when nearly the whole people was taken to Babylon in captivity, Isaiah conveyed the prophecies of consolation, sustaining the people with the promise that - one day - they would return to their homeland. And still today we live in a constant state of expectation, highlighted by the closing line of our millennia-old seder: Next year in Jerusalem! Woven into our culture’s fabric is the imperative to look forward.
Expectations are powerful. And like everything powerful, can create either wonders or disaster. There is the devil’s definition, “Expectations are just premeditated disappointments.” Simultaneously, though, without expectations, on what do we rely to do the hard work, to manifest our vision? At some level it would be easy to give up our hopes, to be simply contented with what we have, to avoid the possibility of failure. And it would be surrender. The lesson we’re taught is that faith is the substance that allows us to cling tightly to our expectations even in the face of temporary failures, stinging as they may be. The young Eagle has rejuvenated my hopes and validated my expectations. May we all find such strength on all the trails we walk.